How to activate multiple WordPress themes for different pages

Introduction: How to use multiple WordPress themes on your website

The ability to use multiple themes on one WordPress-Using a theme for your website can significantly enhance your design and improve the user experience. Whether you run a company website, a blog or an online store - different themes for different sites can help to better meet the specific requirements and target groups. In this detailed step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to activate and configure multiple themes on your WordPress website using plugins. Learn how to customize your site and benefit from the wide range of design options.

Multiple WordPress themes for different pages


Why use multiple themes?

Managing different themes on a single WordPress website offers several advantages. For example, you can:

  • Individual design: Give each page or section a unique look.
  • Targeted user approachCustomize the design to the specific needs and preferences of your target groups.
  • Improved functionalityUse different themes to integrate special functions or layouts that are required on different pages.

Aim of these instructions

After reading this guide, you will be able to activate and manage multiple themes on your WordPress website. You'll learn which plugins you need, how to install and configure them, and what best practices you should follow to ensure a consistent user experience.

Follow our detailed step-by-step guide and discover how to unlock the full potential of your WordPress website.



To use multiple themes on your WordPress website, a few important steps are required. Here are the basic requirements:

Necessary plugins

  • Multiple Themes PluginThe central plugin for this task is the "Multiple Themes" plugin. This plugin allows you to activate and configure different themes for different pages or sections of your website.
Multiple Theme Plugin
Multiple Theme Plugin


  • Create backupBefore making any changes, you should create a complete backup of your WordPress website. This protects against data loss and makes it easy to restore.
  • Deactivate caching pluginsTemporarily deactivating caching plugins such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache helps to avoid possible configuration problems.

By fulfilling these requirements, you are well prepared to use multiple themes on your WordPress website. This will ensure that the process runs smoothly and that your website functions optimally.


Step-by-step guide: Using multiple themes

1. preparation

Before you start, create a full backup of your website and temporarily deactivate all caching plugins such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache.

2. install and activate the plugin

  • InstallationGo to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Plugins" and click on "Install". Search for the "Multiple Themes" plugin, install it and then activate it.
  • ActivationAfter the plugin has been activated, a new menu item will appear in your dashboard.

Multiple Themes Plugin - Multiple themes on wordpress


3. configuration of the plugin

  • Set theme for the start pageGo to the plugin settings and select the theme to be used for your start page.
    • Step 1Navigate to "Settings" and then to "Multiple Themes".
    • Step 2Select the desired theme from the drop-down list under "Homepage".
    • Step 3Click on "Save" to apply the changes.

Other theme for WordPress homepage

  • Set theme for specific URLsDefine a theme for individual pages or URLs.
    • Step 1Go to "Specific Page/Post URLs".
    • Step 2Enter the URL of the page for which a different theme is to be used.
    • Step 3Select the appropriate theme and save the settings.

Other theme for specific WordPress page

  • Set theme for URL prefixSelect a theme for a group of pages with the same URL prefix.
    • Step 1Go to "Prefix URLs".
    • Step 2Enter the URL prefix (e.g. /blog/).
    • Step 3Select the desired theme and save the changes.


  • Set theme for query keywordsDefine a theme based on specific URL query keywords.
    • Step 1Go to "Query Keywords".
    • Step 2Enter the keyword that should be included in the URL.
    • Step 3Select the appropriate theme and save the settings.

Other theme for query keyword

4. customize themes

  • Activate and customize themeActivate the theme temporarily to make adjustments and then reactivate your original theme.
    • Step 1Go to "Design" > "Themes".
    • Step 2Activate the theme you want to customize.
    • Step 3: Make the desired changes.
    • Step 4Reactivate your original theme.

This step-by-step guide will help you use and customize different themes on your WordPress website to create an individual and appealing design for each page. By following these instructions, you can optimize the user experience and make your website more versatile.

Customize Wordpress Theme

Tips and best practices

Using multiple themes on a WordPress website can lead to a better user experience and a more appealing design. Here are some proven tips and best practices to keep in mind:

Design consistency

  • Uniform appearance: Make sure that all themes used have a uniform design and color scheme to ensure the consistency of the website.
  • Reusable elementsUse recurring design elements such as headers, footers and fonts to maintain a coherent look and feel.

Performance and loading times

  • OptimizationUse well-optimized themes to minimize loading times. Fast loading pages improve the user experience and SEO ranking.
  • Minimal pluginsInstall only necessary plugins so as not to impair website performance.

SEO concerns

  • SEO-compliant themesChoose themes that are SEO-friendly and use clean, valid HTML code.
  • Meta data: Make sure that each theme has the necessary meta data so as not to affect the SEO rankings.

User experience

  • Responsive designMake sure that all themes used are responsive and look good on different devices.
  • Navigation: Maintain a consistent and easily accessible navigation on all pages.

Regular updates

  • UpdatesAlways keep your themes and plugins up to date to avoid security gaps and to use new functions.
  • CompatibilityCheck the compatibility of the themes with the latest WordPress versions on a regular basis.


  • Trusted sourcesDownload themes only from trustworthy sources to minimize security risks.
  • Security pluginsUse security plugins to protect your website from attacks.

User friendliness

  • Clarity and simplicityChoose themes that are user-friendly and easy to navigate. Avoid overloaded designs.
  • Accessibility: Make sure that your themes comply with accessibility standards to ensure accessibility for all users.

By following these tips and best practices, you can ensure that your use of multiple themes on a WordPress website is aesthetically pleasing as well as functional and user-friendly.


Common errors and how to rectify them

Using multiple themes on a WordPress website can be complex and lead to various errors. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Error in the theme assignment

  • ProblemThe wrong theme is assigned to a page or the changes are not applied.
    • SolutionCheck the plugin settings and make sure that the correct URL or URL prefix has been entered. Save the settings and clear the cache.

Compatibility problems

  • ProblemSome themes or plugins are not compatible with each other, which leads to display errors or malfunctions.
    • SolutionTest each theme and plugin on a staging website before going live. Make sure that all themes used are updated regularly and come from trustworthy sources.

Performance losses

  • ProblemUsing multiple themes can slow down the loading time of the website.
    • SolutionOptimize the themes and reduce the number of active plugins. Use caching plugins and a content delivery network (CDN) to improve loading times.

SEO problems

  • ProblemDifferent themes can lead to inconsistent meta data and SEO settings.
    • SolutionMake sure that all themes are SEO-friendly and use consistent meta data. Use SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO to manage the settings.

Adaptation problems

  • ProblemCustomizations to a theme are difficult or disappear after a theme change.
    • SolutionUse a child theme for customizations to ensure that your changes remain even if the main theme is updated.

Security gaps

  • Problem: Insecure themes can pose security risks.
    • SolutionOnly download themes from trustworthy sources and always keep them up to date. Use security plugins to protect your website.

By detecting and fixing these common errors early on, you can ensure the stability and security of your website and provide a smooth user experience.


Conclusion: Using multiple themes on WordPress

Activating and configuring multiple themes on a WordPress website offers numerous benefits, including customization and an improved user experience. By using the right plugin and following our detailed guide, you can effectively use and customize multiple themes. Always follow the tips and best practices to ensure design consistency, performance and SEO. Common mistakes can be avoided with our solutions so that your website remains both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Take advantage of the possibilities offered by multiple themes to make your website more versatile and user-friendly.


Bonus: Alternative methods

In addition to using the "Multiple Themes" plugin, there are also other methods of using different themes on a WordPress website:

Manual switching of themes

  • PHP code customization: You can use PHP code in your functions.php to manually change a theme for specific pages or user roles. However, this requires advanced knowledge of PHP and WordPress.

Multisite installation

  • WordPress MultisiteCreate a network of websites where each site can use its own theme. This method is particularly useful if you want to manage several subdomains or separate websites.

Page Builder Plugins

  • Page BuilderUse page builder plugins such as Elementor or Beaver Builder to customize the layout and design of pages without changing the theme. These tools offer extensive design options and do not require additional themes.

Child Themes

  • Child ThemesCreate child themes to make specific customizations to different parts of your website while keeping the main theme. This is an effective way to maintain design consistency while making customizations.

Custom CSS

  • Individual CSS customizationsUse custom CSS rules to customize the appearance of certain pages. This can be done directly via the Customizer or a custom CSS plugin.

By considering these alternative methods, you can choose the best solution for your website depending on your specific requirements and technical knowledge.

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