What does WordPress cost? A comprehensive guide to the costs of a WordPress website

Introduction: Wow much does Wordpress

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) worldwide and powers over 40% of all websites. Whether for personal blogs, corporate websites or e-commerce platforms, WordPress offers a flexible and scalable solution for almost any web project. But before you create your website, it's important to understand the potential costs.

In this guide, we take a detailed look at the various cost factors that you may incur when using WordPress. From basic expenses such as domain name and web hosting, to the purchase of premium themes and plugins, to ongoing maintenance and security costs - we give you a comprehensive overview. This allows you to plan your budget optimally and avoid surprises.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced web developer, this article will help you better understand the financial aspects of WordPress and make informed decisions. Let's answer the question together: What does WordPress really cost?

What does WordPress cost?


Basic costs

When building a WordPress website, there are some basic costs that you should consider. These expenses form the basis for your online presence. Here we present the most important cost items:

Domain name

A domain name is the address of your website on the Internet. It is crucial for the findability and branding of your site. The cost of a domain name varies depending on the domain extension (.com, .de, .net, etc.) and provider.

  • Price rangeAs a rule, domains cost between 10 and 20 euros per year for common endings such as .com or .de. However, premium domains with popular names or special endings can be significantly more expensive, often several hundred or even thousand euros.


Web hosting is the service that makes your website accessible on the Internet. There are various hosting options that differ in terms of price and performance:

  1. Shared hostingThis is the cheapest option where multiple websites are hosted on the same server. Ideal for small to medium-sized websites. CostsFrom around 2 to 5 euros per month.
  2. VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server)This option offers more performance and control as your website runs on a virtual server that is separate from other websites. CostsBetween 10 and 30 euros per month.
  3. Dedicated HostingThis is a complete server that is used exclusively for your website. This option is particularly suitable for large websites or online stores. CostsFrom 50 euros per month, often higher, depending on the service requirements.
  4. Managed WordPress hostingThis service is specially tailored to WordPress and offers additional functions such as automatic updates, security and performance optimization CostsBetween 5 and 50 euros per month, depending on the provider and package.

How much does WordPress hosting cost


What does WordPress itself cost?

WordPress is available for free in its basic form, but there are some costs that may apply depending on the variant you choose and the specific requirements of your website. Here are the most important aspects you should consider:

Costs of the WordPress software

The basic WordPress software is free and open source. This means that you can download, install and customize the software freely without having to pay license fees. This is one of the main reasons why WordPress is so popular. However, costs can arise elsewhere, depending on how you want to design and expand your website.

Costs for WordPress.com

It's important to understand the difference between WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress (WordPress.org). WordPress.com is a hosted service that offers different pricing plans:

  1. Free planOffers basic functions, but includes advertising and a WordPress.com subdomain (e.g. yoursite.wordpress.com). CostsFree of charge
  2. Personal planRemoves advertising, allows the use of a custom domain and offers basic customization options. CostsAbout 4 euros per month
  3. Premium plan: Provides advanced design and customization options as well as additional storage and support features. CostsAbout 8 euros per month
  4. Business planEnables the installation of third-party plugins and themes, offers comprehensive SEO tools and advanced storage options. CostsAbout 25 euros per month
  5. E-commerce planSpecially developed for online stores, with integrated e-commerce functions and support for payment gateways. CostsAbout 45 euros per month

Self-hosted WordPress (WordPress.org)

There are no license fees required when using WordPress.org, but there are other costs involved, such as web hosting, domain registration and possibly premium themes and plugins. The advantages of a self-hosted WordPress are full control over the website and the ability to add any functionality you want.

  • WebhostingCosts vary depending on the hosting type (Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Managed). CostsBetween 2 and 50 euros per month
  • Domain nameYou need your own domain name. CostsBetween 10 and 20 euros per year

The choice between WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress depends on your specific needs, your budget and the level of control you want over your website. While WordPress.com offers an easier and faster way to launch a website, the self-hosted version offers more flexibility and customization options.

Wordpress costs
WordPress.com | Image source: Pcmag.com


Themes and designs

The design of your WordPress website plays a crucial role in user experience and brand presentation. There are several ways you can customize the look of your website, and the costs can vary greatly.

Free themes

WordPress offers a wide selection of free themes that you can install directly from the official WordPress theme directory. These themes are usually well designed and offer basic customization options.

The advantages of free themes are that they are ideal for beginners and small budgets. They are easy to install from the WordPress dashboard and offer basic options for customizing the design. Disadvantages, on the other hand, are the limited functions, fewer customization options and often limited support and updates.

Premium themes

Premium themes offer advanced features and designs that have been specially developed for professional and sophisticated websites. You can purchase these themes from various marketplaces and developers, such as ThemeForest and Elegant Themes.

  • Price range30 to 100 euros, depending on the functions and quality of the theme.

Advantages of premium themes include advanced features, professional designs and regular updates as well as support from the theme developer. The main disadvantage is the higher initial investment and the potential complexity of installation and customization.

Individual designs and customizations

For maximum individuality and specific requirements, it may make sense to create a customized theme or make extensive adjustments to an existing theme. This usually requires the commissioning of a professional web designer or developer.

  • CostsSeveral hundred to thousands of euros, depending on the scope and complexity of the work.

A custom design offers uniqueness and full control over the customization options and special features that fit your project perfectly. The disadvantages are the significantly higher investment and the time required for development.

Choosing the right theme and design depends on your budget, your requirements and your technical know-how. Free themes are ideal for beginners, while premium themes and individual designs offer more professionalism and flexibility.

Wordpress Theme costs
WordPress Themes | Image source: Hostinger.co.uk



Plugins are crucial for extending the functionality of your WordPress website. They allow you to add almost any feature you want without the need for extensive programming knowledge. The cost of plugins can vary greatly depending on whether you use free or premium plugins.

Free plugins

WordPress offers thousands of free plugins in the official plugin directory. These plugins cover a wide range of functions, from SEO optimization to security measures and contact forms.

The advantages of free plugins are obvious: they are free of charge and easily accessible. Many of these plugins are updated regularly and offer sufficient functionality for basic to medium requirements. However, free plugins can sometimes have limited features, offer less support and may not be updated as frequently.

Premium plugins

Premium plugins offer extended functions and professional support. They are usually more reliable and are updated more frequently than free plugins. Premium plugins are often available on special marketplaces or directly from the developers.

  • Price rangeThe costs for premium plugins vary greatly, from around 10 to 100 euros per year, depending on the functionality and the provider.

Premium plugins offer more extensive functions, professional support and regular updates, which makes them ideal for demanding websites and business projects. The main disadvantage is the higher cost, which can add up depending on the number of plugins required.

Necessary plugins for a typical website

Some essential plugins that are useful for most websites include:

  • SEO plugins: To improve visibility in search engines (e.g. Yoast SEO, Rank Math)
  • Security pluginsTo protect the website from hacker attacks (e.g. Wordfence, Sucuri)
  • Performance pluginsTo optimize the loading speed (e.g. WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache)
  • Backup pluginsFor regular backup of website data (e.g. UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy)
  • Contact form pluginsFor simple communication with visitors (e.g. Contact Form 7, WPForms)

Choosing the right plugins depends on the specific needs of your website. While free plugins can be sufficient for many purposes, premium plugins often offer the additional benefits and support necessary for more professional applications.

Costs WordPress plugins


Adjustments and development costs

Customization and professional development may be required to make your WordPress website unique and tailored to your exact needs. These costs vary depending on the extent of the desired changes and the specific requirements of your project.

DIY (Do It Yourself) adaptations

With a little technical know-how, you can make many adjustments to a WordPress website yourself. This includes changes to the design, the installation and configuration of plugins as well as minor CSS and HTML adjustments. The cost of this is essentially free, apart from the time and any training or tutorials required to acquire the necessary skills.

Professional help

If your requirements go beyond basic customization, it may make sense to hire a professional web developer or designer. These experts can offer customized solutions that are tailored precisely to your needs.

Typical costs for professional web developers vary greatly. For smaller customizations, the costs are often around 50 to 100 euros per hour. Larger projects or customized themes can cost several hundred to thousands of euros.

Typical adaptations and their costs

Some examples of common customizations and their approximate costs are:

  • Design adjustmentsChanges to the layout, color and typography can cost between 100 and 500 euros, depending on the scope.
  • Functional adaptationsAdding new features, such as custom post types or special widgets, can cost between 200 and 1000 euros, depending on the complexity.
  • SEO optimizationImprovements to increase visibility in search engines are in the range of 300 to 800 euros, depending on the scope and requirements.
  • E-commerce integrationSetting up an online store with WooCommerce or similar plugins can cost between 500 and 2000 euros, depending on the number of products and the special functions.


Ongoing maintenance

In addition to the one-off customization costs, you should also consider the ongoing maintenance and updating of your website. Regular updates, security checks and backups are crucial to ensure the security and performance of your website. Monthly maintenance packages can range from €50 to €200 per month, depending on the services and frequency of updates.

With careful planning and consideration of customization and development costs, you can ensure that your WordPress website not only looks good, but also works efficiently and securely.

Ongoing maintenance and security costs

A WordPress website requires regular maintenance and security measures to ensure its performance and security. These ongoing costs are crucial to the long-term success and stability of your website.

Regular updates and backups

WordPress, themes and plugins need to be updated regularly to ensure that they are compatible with the latest security standards and functions. Regular backups are also important to prevent data loss and enable the website to be restored in the event of a problem.

  • CostsYou can either take care of regular updates and backups yourself or use a service. DIY solutions are usually free, but require time and technical knowledge. Professional maintenance services usually cost between 50 and 150 euros per month.

Security solutions

Security measures are essential to protect your website from hacker attacks, malware and other threats. This can include the use of security plugins, firewall facilities and regular security checks.

  • Costs for security pluginsSecurity plug-ins such as Wordfence, Sucuri or iThemes Security offer comprehensive protection and cost between 50 and 200 euros per year, depending on the range of functions.
  • Costs for external security servicesProfessional security services that provide proactive monitoring and response to threats can cost between 100 and 500 euros per year.

Further maintenance costs

In addition to updates and security, there may be other maintenance tasks, such as performance optimization, database cleaning and general website optimization. These tasks help to improve the speed and efficiency of your website.

  • CostsFor such maintenance work, you can either use tools and plugins or call in professional help. The costs for this can vary greatly, but are often around 50 to 200 euros per month, depending on the services required.
How much does website maintenance cost
Website maintenance ksten | Image source: iconscout.com

Other potential costs

In addition to the basic and ongoing costs, there are other potential expenses that can be incurred when managing and expanding a WordPress website. These additional costs depend heavily on the specific requirements and goals of your website.

E-commerce integration

If you are planning to sell products or services online, you will need an e-commerce integration such as WooCommerce. This extension allows you to run an online store on your WordPress website.

  • Costs for e-commerce pluginsWooCommerce itself is free, but extensions and add-ons for additional functions such as payment processing, shipping options and product customization can be subject to a charge. These additional functions can cost between 50 and 300 euros per year.
  • Payment gatewaysCosts for using payment providers such as PayPal, Stripe or others may incur additional fees of around 2-3% per transaction.

SEO and marketing

To make your website more visible in search engines and generate more traffic, SEO tools and marketing plugins may be necessary. These help you to optimize your content and build a stronger online presence.

  • Costs for SEO pluginsPlugins such as Yoast SEO or Rank Math offer both free and premium versions. The premium versions usually cost between 50 and 100 euros per year.
  • Costs for marketing toolsEmail marketing services such as Mailchimp or ConvertKit also offer free basic versions, but advanced features and larger contact lists often require a paid subscription. These subscriptions usually cost between 10 and 50 euros per month.

Design and graphics resources

To make your website visually appealing, you can make use of professional design and graphics resources. These include stock photos, icons and customized graphics.

  • Costs for stock photos and graphicsServices such as Shutterstock or Adobe Stock offer image licenses that can cost between 1 and 10 euros per image. Alternatively, monthly subscriptions can cost between 30 and 100 euros.
  • Costs for individual graphicsIf you need customized graphics or illustrations, the cost of a graphic designer can range from 50 to 500 euros per project, depending on the scope and complexity of the work.

Further plugins and extensions

Depending on the specific functions you need on your website, additional plugins and extensions may be required. These include, for example, membership plugins, event management plugins or multilingual plugins.

  • CostsThese plugins vary greatly in price, usually between 30 and 200 euros per year, depending on the functionality and the provider.



The cost of a WordPress website can vary greatly depending on the specific requirements and goals. Here is a summarized overview of the typical costs:

  • Domain name10-20 Euro per year
  • Webhosting2-50 euros per month (depending on type)
  • Themes0-100 Euro (one-time, free to premium)
  • Plugins0-100 Euro per year (free to premium)
  • Customization and development100-2000 Euro (one-off, depending on scope)
  • Ongoing maintenance and safety50-200 Euro per month

Total price

Based on the aforementioned cost points, the total annual costs for a WordPress website can range between 150 and 3000 euros depending on the selected services and customizations.

Careful planning of these costs will help you make informed decisions and use your budget efficiently to run a successful and sustainable website.

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