Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Family Counseling

Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Family Counseling

Couples Counseling and Family Counseling

Couples counseling and family counseling involve, within a relationship, giving both yourself and your partner the opportunity to explore issues, listen, and reflect together with a therapist. In our couples therapy, we focus on providing each person the space to express their thoughts and desires. Our starting point is that a process of change begins with open and trusting dialogue. Our aim is to facilitate this process of change through couples counseling, family counseling, and therapy.

Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Family Counseling

When Is Family Counseling Needed?

Maintaining close relationships is not always easy. In a romantic relationship, the whole person is put to the test. It involves both giving and receiving care and love, functioning practically as a couple, while each person also wants to be respected as an independent individual. Difficult conflicts may arise, leading to misunderstandings, arguments, unclear communication, and the feeling that there are no solutions to make the relationship work. This is when family counseling can provide guidance and help you move forward.

Setting a Goal for Your Couples Therapy

When working with couples and families, it often involves resolving deadlocks in communication and interaction patterns, as well as difficulties in handling conflicts and differences. Through conversations in couples therapy, we help couples, families, and individuals work through their relationship problems. The goal might be to preserve your marriage, cohabitation, or partnership, or if a divorce becomes necessary, to minimize the negative consequences and facilitate an amicable separation.


When Psychotherapy Can Help

Psychotherapy can be helpful when you are experiencing psychological suffering that is difficult to manage or overcome on your own. Personal crises characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, stress, worry, grief, sleep disturbances, certain physical (somatic) complaints, or depression are examples of situations where psychotherapy can be beneficial. Psychotherapy, parterapi København mand, can also assist with unresolved losses, separations, relationship problems—whether personal or work-related—or at times in life when it can be comforting to have an external, professional conversation partner.

Psychotherapy is a Collaborative Process

Psychotherapy is a collaboration between the client and the therapist, where the client is the focus. It involves the client and a trained psychotherapist working together to identify habitual patterns in the client’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and trying to understand how the problem arises. The goal of psychotherapy may include gaining greater self-awareness, discovering both obstacles and resources, processing crises, or strengthening one’s identity and finding a meaningful understanding of one’s life situation, as well as discovering more favorable ways of dealing with difficulties.

How Psychotherapy Works

Psychotherapy as a treatment takes place within established frameworks regarding session times, fees, and frequency. An agreement on these aspects is made between the therapist and the client during the initial assessment sessions. These assessment sessions usually consist of 1-3 meetings where the client and therapist together identify the client's needs, concerns, and goals for therapy.

Psychotherapy can either be a shorter, time-limited therapy where the number of sessions is predetermined and the therapy focuses on a specific issue that the client and therapist agree on together. It can also be a longer-term therapy where the number of sessions is not set from the beginning.

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